Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Real Blood Used for Saw III Poster

Tobin Bell plays the villian in the new Saw III which will hit theaters this Halloween. A vial of his blood was mixed with red ink to create a special poster that will be auctioned on for charity.

Lionsgate will also hold blood drives in conjuction with the movie's opening on October 27th.
Tim Palen, marketing executive at Lionsgate, said:

"We decided to do a poster and he's wearing a red cloak. I was talking to the printer and asked what we could do to get the deepest blood red. I asked if it would be possible to use actual blood. There was silence. He said, 'We could try, but are you serious?' I said I was dead serious."

Expect this movie to be crap like all the rest, but it will still make a shit load of cash. If you want to make quick cash, produce a shitty horror movie.


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