Friday, October 20, 2006

Smoke Me Up Before You Go Go!

People need to chill! Several mental health charities are pissing mad after George Michael was caught smoking weed on TV in Madrid. The drug is legal in Spain and bitch was doing nothing wrong. So, why are mental health groups pissed?

Well, George made this little statement while he puffed, "This stuff keeps me sane and happy. I couldn't write without it. I'd say it's a great drug - but obviously it's not very healthy."
"It's very good for creative people. But it can be a terrible, terrible drug."

Richard Colweill of SANE, a mental health charity said.

"It is the kind of comment we would not want to see from a pop star who is likely to appeal to young people, although he might be appealing more to the older generation now."

"We are concerned about the message this can send out to young people, especially when there is such confusion about the legality of cannabis. "Cannabis is illegal because it can be harmful, as can all drugs. We need stronger and clearer messages about cannabis harm so that people are in a position to make informed choices. All drugs have potential to harm and that is the principal message we need to get across."

Oh Jesus! Yes, George Michael is insane and I doubt he really meant that this drug is helping him become not sane. People take things so literal. Just let the bitch smoke his weed and sleep in cars! He did say that it wasn't a good drug, what more do they want?

He's hot shit though.


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