Sunday, October 1, 2006

Don't Sleep With Rupert Everett!

Rupert Everett may be hot, but he claims he sucks in the sack. The openly gay actor earlier said that he can't get a date and this may be why.

"Oh, I am a pathetic lover. Being Catholic, coming from a military background, then having that dawning, nagging feeling that I was not going to be on the right side of the fence.

"It had a knock-on effect on so many things and I felt so guilty for ages about sex, then with AIDS happening it was almost like my worst fears were true.

"So I don't think I have been a great lover really, no. Not in this lifetime."

"I am either too selfish or too extreme. Too vulnerable, or too self-centred."

Rupert is currently promoting his new book.

He may suck in the sack, but I can teach him. Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks?


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