Sunday, September 24, 2006

Madge to Pull an Angelina?

According to reports, Madonna and Guy Ritchie are set to adopt a set of twins from an African orphanage next month. They are flying to Malawi to pick up twins or two regular siblings. They haven't decided yet.

A source said: "Originally Madonna and Guy planned to adopt only one child. But when they were told that might mean breaking up a family unit they immediately said they would take siblings or twins if that was the right thing to do.

"They want the children to be as young as possible but are prepared to take
kids up to the age of four. And they are also willing to consider a child with special needs arising
from being abandoned in an orphanage."

Her spokeswhore has confirmed she will travel to Africa next month for six-weeks, but didn't confirm whether or not she was picking up some kids.

Thx Youri

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